Week Ahead – Important Information

Below is a link to the Week Ahead for the Alwin Holland Community. The purpose of the Week Ahead is to share important information with the entire Alwin Holland Community.
We will include:
– special days, holidays, non-instructional days
– deadlines for order forms (hot lunches, swag, permission forms, etc.)
– school culture activities such as assemblies, dress up days, special events
The Week Ahead will be updated every week. Bookmark this link in your browser; the link will remain the same from week to week.

Alwin Holland Community Page – Week Ahead http://bit.ly/2pWXwG7

If you have Facebook, please visit us at:
We will use Facebook to tell our day-to-day story with pictures and other posts.

We are always trying to improve our communication with parents and guardians. Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.