Rapid Test Kits for Students

We finally have the rapid test kits, and we have enough for every student.

Please note – if you do not want a kit, you do not have to take one.

We will be outside at the gym doors in the parking lot and on the tarmac by the primary entrances Friday morning before school and Friday afternoon at the end of the day. You will need to give us your child(ren)’s name(s) when you pick up the kits.

If you cannot pick up a kit at that time, please come to the office during the day. If you would like a kit sent home with your child, you must write a note with your name and your child’s name in the note and indicate that you would like a kit sent home.

The purpose of these kits is for you to be able to test your child if they are displaying symptoms of COVID and take appropriate action if the test is positive. We thank you for keeping sick children home, regardless of the type of illness. Our staff are able to remain healthier because of your cooperation.