Term 1 and Parent/Teacher Meetings

It is the end of the first term so you will soon be receiving some sort of communication regarding your child’s progress this term if you have not already. Some teachers are also arranging interviews, either in person or via Zoom, or making phone calls.

If you are coming to the school this week for a meeting with your child’s teacher, please make note of the following:

K, K/1 and Grade 1 (Mrs. Haynes, Ms. Hong, Mrs. Ross) – Use the entrance closest to the bus ramp/106 Ave.
Grades 2 and 2/3 (Mrs. Rozon and Mrs. Snow) – Use the office entrance.
Grades 3/4, 4/5, 5/6 (Mrs. Montgomery, Ms. Grant, Mrs. Waddell) – Use the entrance in the parking lot.

Sign in/out, sanitize your hands and wear a mask. If you cannot tolerate a mask, speak with your child’s teacher ahead of time.

Please do not arrive early. Wait in the mudroom at the appropriate entrance and the teacher will come and get you. If you are not feeling well, please stay home and contact your child’s teacher to make alternate arrangements.