• 1st Full Day of Kindergarten September 11th, 2024 plus Gradual entry

    September 11 - 8:50am to 2:50pm

    1st Full day of kindergarten will be September 11th, 2024.
    We do have a gradual entry for kindergarten students.
    Last Name A-L                                       Last name M-Z
    Wednesday, September 4th        9:30 – 11:00am                                        1:00 – 2:15pm
    Thursday, September 5th            1:00 –

  • Mingle Jingle

    December 19 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

    Come and join us for our Alwin Holland Community Mingle Jingle Tuesday, Dec 19th from 6:00 – 7:30pm.

  • First Day of School – Fall of 2023

    September 5 - 8:50am to 10:50am

    Planning for the fall, well keep the date open, September 5th we are all heading back to school. It’s a short day – 8:50 – 10:50am. We will see you here.

  • Last Day of School – June 29, 2023

    June 29 - 8:50am to 11:50am

    We have our Year End Assembly scheduled for 10:00am on June 29th. We will be showcasing our Grade 6 awards as well as some other celebrations. After the assembly students will be heading back to their classrooms to say goodbye and to collect their report cards.

  • July in January Spirit Day

    January 18 - 9:00am to 3:00pm

    Dress as if it is July – or we are living in Hawaii. Spirit day is this Wednesday. Parents please remember students still need their outside winter weather even though we are pretending it is summer time inside.

  • Alwin Holland Mingle Jingle

    December 15 - 5:30pm to 7:00pm

    You are all invited to Alwin Holland’s Mingle Jingle. Thursday, December 15th, 5:30 – 7:00pm. Come and enjoy decorating cookies and some Big Game challenges as well as some Christmas crafts. See you soon,

  • Remembrance Day Assembly

    November 10 - 10:45am to 11:30am

    Our Remembrance Day Assembly will begin 10:45am on November 10th, 2022.
    Please feel free to join us for this special opportunity to remember all those that have fought for our country in many different wars and in many different countries.       

  • Picture Retakes

    November 4 - 9:00am to 10:00am

    Picture Retakes will be happening in the morning of November 4th.