Another School Year Starting Soon!!

August 26th, 2020

Hello, Parents, Guardians and Students!

We look forward to seeing you again in September! We have some general information to share right now, and we will have more detailed information in the near future.

Before/After School Care – Delayed

Unfortunately we are not able to begin our before and after school childcare program with a September start. Please read the letter below from the Secretary-Treasurer of SD 60. We will keep you posted here and on our Facebook page.

Before/After School Child Care

We are getting closer to finalizing child care opportunities at Alwin Holland for our community members. Part of finalizing our plans is to see how many seats we need to be able to provide and also to make sure there are enough needs to make this feasible.

Summer Wishes

The staff at Alwin Holland wishes everyone a safe, refreshing and relaxing summer. For many, the usual travel plans are on hold. We wish you a wonderful staycation. If you do travel, we wish you safe journeys.

PAC Meeting

There is a PAC meeting Wednesday, June 17th at 7:00pm.

Bring a camping chair to sit on and meet us on the tarmac between the gym and the portables.

We hope to see you there!

Welcome to Kindergarten!

Tonight we are hosting our Welcome to Kindergarten event for children entering kindergarten at Alwin Holland in September 2020. This newsletter is the same one you will be receiving in your bags but has easy to access links on it!

School (Re)Starts Tomorrow

Protocols and expectations were shared in a school-wide letter last week. If you have questions, contact your child’s teacher.Reminders:– students are only allowed on school grounds on days they are scheduled to attend– no adults (other than staff) are allowed in the building–

Canteen – $5 Bagged Lunches

Bagged lunches can be pre-ordered for $5/day.In the morning your child’s teacher can take the order & payment.Each lunch will have a main item (below), a snack, a fruit/veggie, and juice. Lunches will be delivered to your child’s classroom.You should still send a recess snack and any additional snacks your child may need/want.Don’t forget to send your child with a water bottle (labelled with their name).