Welcome back!
Click on the link below for this week’s menu.
April 3rd – 6th, 2018
Make It Sow – Garden Fundraiser
Information about the garden fundraiser was sent home last week. The fundraiser information is below.
Garden Fundraiser Info
Orders for the Make it Sow fundraiser are due to the office before Spring Break.Â
If you have lost the brochure or order form,
Important Dates
Monday, March 12 – Term 2 Report Cards Issued
Wednesday, March 14/Thursday, March 15 – Early Dismissal at 1:45
Please contact your child’s teacher if you wish to arrange a time to discuss your child’s progress.
Volleyball Opportunity
Lunch for Cabin Fever Day
Lunch will run 10 minutes earlier for Cabin Fever Day.
This will allow more time for loading buses and getting to activities in the afternoon.
Cabin Fever Day – Still a go at this time
We have heard back from transportation and at this time buses for field trips are still a go.
We do have a Plan B should the buses to Taylor (Archery/Skating) and Charlie Lake School (Snowshoeing/Cross Country Skiing/Crazy Carpeting) be cancelled at a later time.
Lost and Found
We will be putting the lost and found out in the hall this week as the bin is full. At the end of the week, we will be donating anything that is left over. Please take a look to see if you can find any of your child’s missing clothing.
Winter Boot Donations
PAC Meeting Tonight
Just a reminder about the PAC meeting tonight at 7:00pm in the library.
We hope to see you there!