We have been working hard to help our students understand the importance of safety when using the internet. The students have watched a video, role played, read articles, had guest speakers, and discussed the importance of keeping themselves safe when using the internet.
Behaviour Matrix for Alwin Holland 2016
Canteen Menu May 2-6
Famine Learning a Success
Thank you to everyone who supported the Leadership TEAM’s 24 Hour Famine. The final count is not yet in, but we estimate to have tripled our $500 goal. Not only will we be able to feed nearly 4 children for an entire year,
Jean’s Day today, Thursday, April 28th
Handgame Champions!
Congratulations to Alwin Holland’s team of Evan Cardinal, Sam Gladue, Leah Harman, Saedra Acko, Ryan Karch, Gavin Forrest, Micha Robinson, Lexi Letawske, and Maddison Nelson who took first place in the school district handgames tournament today!
The Great Balanzo entertained us today!
Handgame Participants!
April 2016 Newsletter
Leadership Famine April 29, 2016
The Alwin Holland Leadership TEAM is participating in a famine on Friday, April 29. We will be experiencing a day in the shoes of those less fortunate by not eating for 24 hours. Students are doing to this to raise money for nutritional,