Please find the newsletter that went home with students attached.Nov 2012
Canteen Menu – Nov.5 – 9
Please find attached the canteen menu for Nov.5 – 9th.Canteen Menu November 5th-9th 2012
If you have not paid school fees for the agenda, cultural events or school supplies, can you please do so. There should be a note in your child’s agenda with the total, if anything is owed.
Canteen Menu Oct.29-Nov.2
Canteen Menu Oct 29th-Nov 2nd 2012Please find attached the canteen menu for Oct.29-Nov.2
Canteen Menu – October 22-26
Canteen Menu October 22nd-26th 2012Please find the canteen menu for Oct.22-26 attached
Canteen Menu – October 15-18
Canteen Menu October 15th-19th 2012 (1)Please find the canteen menu for October 15 – 18 attached.
October 10th Newsletter
Oct 10 Newsletter.Please find attached the newsletter from October 10th.
Grade 4 and 5 ski passes
Canada’s Grade 4 & 5 Students Can Ski and Snowboard Free Across Canada
It’s Canada’s best ski and snowboard deal… and for the first time, it’s accessible across the country. The Canadian Ski Council’s SnowPass provides FREE skiing and snowboarding for Canadian kids in Grade 4 and Grade 5.
Canteen Menu – Oct 9-12
Canteen Menu October 9th-12th 2012Please find the October 9 – 12 menu attached
Canteen Menu – Oct 1-5
Canteen Menu October 1st-5th 2012Please find the canteen menu for Oct. 1 – 5 attached