Cookbooks For Sale!!

The cookbooks are going to be for sale this Friday (March 16th) afternoon from 2:30 – 3:00.

Alwin Holland Cookbooks for sale

The Cookbooks will be sold in front of the office during the following times: Tuesday, Mar.13th, 2:30-3:00, Wednesday, Mar.14th, 10:15-10:45 and 2:30-3:00, Thursday, March 15th at noon until 12:45.. The photo is of the Brittany and Brooklyn who  received the cookbooks for the winning cover art.

Peace River North Festival – Speech Competition

Dear Parents,
Please find enclosed some information and an entry form for the Speech Arts Festival taking place on Thursday, April 19th in the morning.
This event/program is one part of the Peace River North Festival that takes place each year for music,