Please find the canteen menu for Mar.19-23 attached.Canteen Menu March 19th-23rd 2012
Canteen Menu – Mar.19-23
Cookbooks For Sale!!
The cookbooks are going to be for sale this Friday (March 16th) afternoon from 2:30 – 3:00.
March PAC Meeting Minutes
Please find attached, the PAC Meeting Minutes for March.March 2012 PAC Minutes
Registration Form
Alwin Holland Cookbooks for sale
The Cookbooks will be sold in front of the office during the following times: Tuesday, Mar.13th, 2:30-3:00, Wednesday, Mar.14th, 10:15-10:45 and 2:30-3:00, Thursday, March 15th at noon until 12:45.. The photo is of the Brittany and Brooklyn who received the cookbooks for the winning cover art.
Canteen Menu – Mar.12-16
Please find attached the canteen menu for Mar.12-16.Canteen Menu March 12th-16th 2012
March Newsletter
Please find attached the March Newsletter. Please do not forget to find and send in the ‘mystery word’ for a chance at a prize.Newsletter -March[1]
Canteen Menu – March 8-9
Please find the canteen menu for March 8 & 9.Canteen Menu March 5th-9th 2012
Peace River North Festival – Speech Competition
Dear Parents,
Please find enclosed some information and an entry form for the Speech Arts Festival taking place on Thursday, April 19th in the morning.
This event/program is one part of the Peace River North Festival that takes place each year for music,