Kind things go a long way. Students cut out hearts and put what we can do to help others and be the best we can be. Thanks to Blue House for leading us.
Jump Rope For Heart
Aboriginal Snow Fun
I have attached some photos of our Aboriginal Snow Fun Day organized by Mrs. Negus. We also enjoy Hamburger soup and baked bannock as well as dancing by School District 60, Spirit of the North Dancers.
Canteen Menu – Feb.6-10
Please find the menu for Feb.6-10 attached.Canteen Menu Feb 6th-10th 2012
Internet Safety
Please click on the link on the right hand side of this page for a very good site for internet safety.
Canteen Menu Jan.31 – Feb.3
Please find attached the menu for this week.Canteen Menu January 30th-Feb 3rd 2012
PAC Meeting with Smartboard and Doc. Camera Demo – Feb.1 @ 7PM
The monthly PAC meeting is Wednesday, Feb.1st in the Library at 7PM. There will be a demo of the smartboard and the document camera also. All are welcome!
Read and Feed
Masks from Art Class
Smoothie Day Reminder
A reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, Jan.26 is the PAC sponsored smoothie day.