This information is posted every week on our Facebook page.
Here is this week’s canteen menu.
Early Learning – March
Welcome to our School District 60 Early Learning Classroom. Click on the different characters in each room. It will take you to various learning activities that your child can engage in from home. Sit back and listen to a story,
Kindergarten Students! We need you!
If you know of any students that have not yet registered for Kindergarten for next year, please encourage the parents to register them as soon as possible.
Registration can be done at the school or on the district website:
Early Dismissals and Spring Break
Just a reminder that we dismiss at 1:50 pm (1 hour early) tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday this week.
Friday is the last day of school before Spring Break.
Wear green on Thursday and PJs on Friday!
Spring Break Story Walk
Rapid Test Kits for Students
We finally have the rapid test kits, and we have enough for every student.
Please note – if you do not want a kit, you do not have to take one.
We will be outside at the gym doors in the parking lot and on the tarmac by the primary entrances Friday morning before school and Friday afternoon at the end of the day.
Recent Updates
This information was sent home via email. If you did not receive it, contact the office to check your contact information.
There have been some recent changes to COVID restrictions that affect schools. Masks and other protocols are still in place.
Canteen Menu
AH Blankets for Sale!
We have cozy blankets for sale at the office for $35.
There are three designs and they measure 50″x60″.
Great for cuddling up and reading a good book!
Another Early Learning Opportunity
Welcome to our School District 60 Early Learning Classroom
Click on the different characters in each room. It will take you to various learning activities that your child can engage in from home. Sit back and listen to a story,