Cabin Fever Day, Thursday, March 9th

We are looking forward to our cabin fever day on Thursday, especially with the number of inside days we have had lately. Please make sure that all permission slips have been handed in so that appropriate plans can be made.

Basketball Play Days for grade 4

Thank you to Miss Duncan, Mrs. Morrison, and Mr. Brown for coaching our grade 4 basketballs teams this season. The grade 4 boys will be playing Tuesday and the grade 4 girls will be playing Wednesday at Ecole Central in some fun play days.

AH Basketball Teams Win District Tournaments

Thank you to our coaches Mr. Mackay, Mrs. Dutchak, Ms. MacDonald, Mrs. Snow, Mr. Dyke, and Mrs. Hartman for supporting our four basketball teams all season and for taking them to the district basketball tournaments on Thursday and Friday.

Reading Challenge a Success!

The staff and students read and read during the month of January. They learned about Canadian provinces, symbols, and coins. Thank you for helping your child/ren enjoy reading, build fluency, and help their teams travel across the country.